Syllabus for Cycle Test -4

                   Syllabus for Cycle Test -4


Prose - Forgive and forgot
              How Eco lost her Voice
Poem - I jumped on the back of a dragonfly
Grammar- Am , I  and Are
                   Was and Were
                   More about Verbs
                    Time prepositions
Symphonics- Syllable

Composition- Reading Comprehension-6
                         Compare and contrast

Hindi -
पाठ - साहसी बालक
          अच्छी आदतें
व्याकरण - सर्वनाम
                चित्र देखकर कहिनी लिखना
जानकारी - दिशाएँ
कविता - आवाजे
गिनती - १६-२० तक

Math - 
Ch -9 Division
Ch- 10 Fraction
Ch - 11 Time

Ch-17 Places of Interest in India
Ch -18 Let's Talk
Ch- 19 Solar System
Ch -20 Mapping My Way


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